With the advances of science and medicine, people are living much longer. As a result, the burden on adult children to provide care for their aging parents is increasing. Many find themselves needing to take time off of work and other activities to look after their aging parents. In this post, we explore the effects of caregiving on adult children and what it means for families.
Especially in cases where siblings aren’t helping or in families with one child, adult children caregivers can begin to feel overwhelmed. Juggling work, family life and self care obligations regularly leads to burnout. Again, when one adult child is doing all the caregiving, it is an even greater level of responsibility. It takes up an enormous amount of time, particularly if the parents are separated.
Family disagreements can occur when adult children provide care for their parents. Younger and older generations may disagree on the course of action that should be taken (such as whether the parent should go into a home, receive care, etc). Siblings sometimes argue among themselves, particularly when one is given the power of attorney over the medical direction of their parents’ care.
Lastly, when you are caring for your parents, it can be very difficult to maintain the responsibilities of a high demanding job. Physically and mentally, adult children must divide themselves between two places – the needs of their workplace with the needs of their parents. In many cases, the latter wins, leading to unpaid leave, working part-time, or outright resignation. All of which have long-term financial implications.
About Adrian Allotey
You Are Not Alone Elder Care LLC
Adrian Allotey, is living a purposeful life as a result of responding to an universal calling; service to elders and their loved ones. As an eldercare specialist, aging companion and end of life doula, she has made it her life’s mission to promote the elder years as a sacred, beautiful, honorable stage of life. She brings quality of life, mental stimulation, engagement and socialization to the aging and peace of mind to their adult children and caregivers. For More Information, check out www.yanaec.com.