Tag: Linden

How does You Are Not Alone LLC ensure a positive passing?

“We affirm that the patient isn’t dying but LIVING until the last breath. We support each moment from birth to death being equally valuable. We show up with compassion, care, knowledge and empathy. We love unconditionally.”

Why should I hire an end of life doula?

End of Life Doulas provide will physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional support not only to the individual who is dying, but to their wider family as well. There are three key areas of support offered by Death Doulas: Actively engaging the dying person in their death, offering them a voice throughout the process which is all-too-often denied to them – and most importantly acting on and fulfilling their requests, from who should be present at their bedside to what music would make them com

Does YANAEC give medications?

No. We are specially trained as non-medical health care professionals for the elderly. We are trained in all three phases of End of Life Care. Based on this extensive training, the we can offer suggestions for comfort to the patient and family.

When should I call YANAEC for an Elder Care Doula or an End of Life Doula?

Sooner rather than later is our motto. One of the most critical mistakes is asking for end of life support too late. People are living with chronic health conditions that require some form of assistance with daily living for 5, 10, 15 years of their life. Allowing YANAEC to help families at this time is invaluable. It also allows us to give the support early and develop relationships prior to heading into an end of life phase. By doing this, we can have all the anticipated needs and support in p

If I hire an End of Life Doula will I still need hospice care?

Yes. hospice manages the care and the loved ones do the caring. The hospice nurse teaches the family how to care for their loved one. Hospice, unfortunately, has a very limited time that they can be at the bedside of the dying. This is where YANAEC fills that need. Hospice also supplies a muti-disciplined team of support and resources, including medication and equipment. YANAEC will guide and advocate for the family based on its extensive end of life education.

Why is YANAEC so committed to elder and end of life care?

Research shows that elder care and end of life care are not going well for the most part. We are committed to finding better ways to not only help the patients, but their loved ones as well. We recognize the overwhelming toll it takes on family to care for an aging loved one. The stress and fear of caring for someone at end of life at home is heartbreaking. It is simply too much for families to handle.

What are Suzanne O’Brien’s beliefs on end of life?

End of Life Disconnect- A National Hospice Organization Gallup Poll found that nine out of ten people who were terminally ill wanted to die at home, yet half were dying in the hospital. The same poll found that the number one fear of the dying patient was becoming a burden to their family. “Because of our society’s overwhelming fear of death, it is almost impossible to teach families how to fully care for their dying loved ones,” said O’Brien. “Compounding that is the short amount of time the p

Where did YANAEC receive its doula training?

Suzanne B. O’Brien, an award winning Hospice and Oncology Registered Nurse who has been working with this precious population for over a decade, created Doulagivers. Doulagivers is available as a Licensed Training and Certification Training Program to health care agencies and to individual practitioners. There is a screening and application process.

What is a doula?

Doula is a Greek word meaning non-medical person who gives physical, emotional, and spiritual support to someone else. Here at YANAEC we specialize in non-medical health care for the elderly and those who received a terminal diagnosis.

Commitment to Spiritual Care

YANAEC does chaplaincy work/training, because it helps me in the elder to end of life care we provide.  I do solemnly affirm by the spirit of life: That as a professional chaplain I will respect the religious and spiritual traditions of my patients, colleagues, as well as my own; That I will lead my life, and practice the art and science of spiritual care in an honorable and ethical manner; That into whatsoever circumstance I enter, it shall be for the well-being of the people entrusted to m